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Thursday 1 January 2015


Spring Trap can bounce up to 15 housing space of troops in to death For Example it can bounce 15 Barbarians and 5 Giants.It can not Bounce P.E.K.K.A as the armour on her is so heavy.It is also unable to Bounce Golems because their housing space is more than 15.Spring Trap is almost rubbish against goblins because they will move further before Spring Trap comes into Action.


It is helpful when it is placed near to Town Hall as it will help you to get rid of large enemy troops closing in.Most of People put their spring traps inside the gap of walls because all troops try to pass from that gap of wall and as a result they are springed . But be sure to rearm the traps which you have placed between the walls because if you do not do so then there will be a gap in your wall and and enemy troops will pass from  there with out of any tention .Well placed Traps can completely ruin the Giant Healer or Giant Archer Attacks as a spring trap can spring 3 giants so,be careful about placing your traps.

Quantity of Spring Traps Available

Build Cost

Different Themes
Written by Lovely

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