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Thursday 1 January 2015
Spring Trap Clash of Clans


Spring Trap can bounce up to 15 housing space of troops in to death For Example it can bounce 15 Barbarians and 5 Giants.It can not Bounce P.E.K.K.A as the armour on her is so heavy.It is also unable to Bounce Golems because their housing space is more than 15.Spring Trap is almost rubbish against goblins because they will move further before Spring Trap comes into Action.


It is helpful when it is placed near to Town Hall as it will help you to get rid of large enemy troops closing in.Most of People put their spring traps inside the gap of walls because all troops try to pass from that gap of wall and as a result they are springed . But be sure to rearm the traps which you have placed between the walls because if you do not do so then there will be a gap in your wall and and enemy troops will pass from  there with out of any tention .Well placed Traps can completely ruin the Giant Healer or Giant Archer Attacks as a spring trap can spring 3 giants so,be careful about placing your traps.

Quantity of Spring Traps Available

Build Cost

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Bomb Clash of Clans

Note:Level 6 Bomb is now also available and it's look is similar to Level 5 Bomb.


Bomb is an inexpensive trap which remains hidden until enemy troops does not come inside it's 3 Tiles range.Bombs needs to be rearmed in order to be triggered again.The Bomb explodes approximately after 1.5 seconds.It causes a splash damage to all enemy troops which are present in it's 3 Tiles Range.


A single Bomb does not do a great job so placing two or three bombs together will be very effective against large groups of archers and goblins.Bombs can do a serious job to Goblins if they are placed between two collectors or mines because Goblins move from one collector to the next.Bombs will also do a Great job if they are placed between the walls.Don not forget to rearm your Bombs.

Quantity of Bombs Available

Detailed Overview

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Wednesday 31 December 2014
Walls Clash of Clans


Walls are most important Defence in Clash of clans.If there will be no walls then it will be very easy for attackers to Destroy the whole village.Walls Slow down the enemies.Whenever you upgrade your Town Hall 25 or 50 walls are unlocked.


Unfortunately,Most of the People start upgrading their walls from the inner side of their base instead of upgrading from the outer side,walls should be upgraded from the outer side first so that enemies can not get into your base easily.Place walls into the range of Archer Towers and Cannons to make it difficult for Wall Breakers to  break  through your walls.Upgrade your walls to slow down enemy troops.


Detailed Overview

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Tuesday 30 December 2014
Inferno Tower Clash of Clans


Inferno Tower is heaviest defence in Clash of Clans.It is Unlocked at Town Hall 11.Healing effects does not works because of it's extreme heat so Healers or Healing Spells are rubbish  against Inferno Tower.It can be set to 2 modes Single Target and Multi Target.


If you have set your Inferno Tower to Single Target then it can be easily overwhelmed by Tier 1 Troops so be sure to place your single targeted inferno in the range of any splash Defence.Your Resources can be Protected if they are positioned inside the range of Inferno Tower,you can do the same with Town Hall If you want.If you are mostly raided with Tier 1 Troops then set your Inferno Tower to Multiple Target but if you are raided with other troops such as Giants,P.E.K.K.As,Dragons or Golems then setting your Inferno Tower to Single Target will be an Excellent Idea.


Detailed Overview


      Empty                                                                                              Single Target Loaded  Inferno 
Depleted Inferno Tower                                                                                                Inferno2 SingleTarget

                                                        Multiple Target Loaded Inferno
Interno2 MultipleTargets
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X Bow Clash of Clans


X-Bow is a rapid firing Defence which shoots enemy troops with unbelievable speed.It is Loaded with Elixir and it can be set to Two modes Ground Only or Ground and Air.If you set it to Ground Only mode  then it's range will be 14 Tiles otherwise 11 Tiles.


A well placed X Bow can easily spoil Attackers strategy.You are recommended to place you X-Bows n he centre of your base so that It can cover the whole base.If you are mostly attacked with air based troops then set your X-Bow to Ground and Air Mode otherwise Ground Only mode.


Detailed Overview


            Ground and Air                                                                              Ground Only
      Loaded X Bow                                                                                           Empty X Bow
Xbow1                                                                                X-bow-unloaded
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Hidden Tesla Clash of Clans


Hidden Tesla is heavy Defence.It's Unlocked at Town Hall 7.It does not needs to be Re Armed as Bombs,Spring Traps and Giant Bombs. It is Hidden from Enemies until they do not come close enough.It has Range of 7 tiles but it appears when enemy troops come 6 tiles near to it.P.E.K.K.A is it's favourite target and it does double damage to P.E.K.K.A.


Do not place your Tesla in only 2x2 free Spaces of your base because it will show the obvious position of your Hidden Tesla.If you create a dummy of 2x2 free spaces in you base then it will surprise your opponent.For Example if you have 2 Teslas at Town Hall 7 then create two free spaces of 2x2 in your base and keep them empty and place your Tesla else where,it will have better chances of surprising your opponent.Be sure to upgrade your Teslas if you are mostly attacked with P.E.K.K.A.


Detailed Overview

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Wizard Tower Clash of Clans


Wizard Tower does very high Damage but it has very short Range.It can shoot at Both Ground and Air Units.It does a splash Damage so it is very Helpful against Tier 1 Troops (Barbarians,Archers and Goblins) and also against Bunches of Giants.You can Protect your Mortars by Placing them inside Range of Wizard Tower.You can Use Wizard Tower to Protect your Storages from Large Groups of Goblins.Town Hall can be also protected by placing it inside the range of Wizard Tower.Be sure to Upgrade your Wizard Tower for Higher Damage Per Second.


Detailed Overview

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Air Defence Clash of Clans



Air Defence is an awesome Defensive Building.It has very Decent Range and  high damage Per second.Air Defences are unable to shoot at Ground Units and they can be easily picked up ground based troops so be sure place them inside the range of Cannons or Archer Towers.Do not Place your Air Defences near to the edges if you do so then they will be easily Destroyed by Giants or other troops so always place your Air Defences in the centre or at least behind one set of walls so that Giants or other troops cannot destroy them.It is a smart Idea to spread your Air Defences in the form of a Triangle so that they can cover the whole base and keep Air Based Enemies away.Be sure to upgrade your Air Defences if you mostly face Air Attacks.


Detailed Overview

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Mortar Clash of Clans


Mortar is one of he most Dangerous Defences of Clash of Clans as it a does a high Damage and and it can target enemies within a long range.It It fires an explosive shell on enemy troops about every Five Seconds.It is very handy against Tier 1 Troops especially Archers,It can Kill same Level Archers in a Single Shot because of it's Splash Damage ability.It has two Big Advantages as it can not shoot enemies with in first 4 Tiles and it consumes a lot of Time in Firing a Shell.It is necessary to Centralize your Mortars so that they can shoot all around the base.It is a smart idea to Place  your Mortar inside the Range of your Wizard Tower because Wizard Tower will protect Mortar from air Troops and it will also cover the those 4 tiles in which Mortar can not shoot.Mortars do Splash Damage so Single Targeted Defences such as Cannons and Archer Towers can be Protected from Large groups of Barbarians and Archers by placing them inside the range of Mortars.


Detailed Overview

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Archer Tower Clash of Clans


Archer Tower is able to shoot at both Ground and Air Units and it has an excellent range.It is very Effective against Giants.It will be a perfect idea to place your Archer Towers near to edges of your base,it will provide coverage to all of your other Defence.It will be a wise idea to Place your Archer Tower near to those Defences who can not shoot at Air Units such as Cannon and Mortar It will Protect cannons or Mortars from Air Units such as Minions,Balloons and Dragons.Archer Towers can only shoot one unit at a time so they can be easily destroyed by large groups of Barbarians and Archers so it's necessary to Place them inside the range of Splash Defences like Mortars or Wizard Towers.If you place your Archer Tower Near to a Air Defence then it will provide an additional support for Air Defence.


Detailed Overview

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